  • 석탄층 메탄가스(CBM·coal bed methane)개발 및 발전 연구(영문)
    methane recovery is a method of producing additional coalbed methane from source rock. This technique may be used in conjunction with carbon capture and storage in mitigation of global warming Why CBM enterprise came into the spotlight? CBM became possible to obtain the economic feasibility of business. CBM can perform a decisive role to adjust the emission scale of greenhouse
    2012-08-16 | 1,500원 | 24p | 메탄가스 bed coal 석탄층 발전   석탄층 메탄가스(CBM·coal bed methane)개발 및 발전 연구(영문)
  • 석탄층 메탄가스(CBM·coal bed methane)개발 및 발전 연구(영문)
    II. How is CBM formed Coalbed methane (CH4) forms in one of two ways. During the earliest stage of coalification (the process that turns plant detritus into coal), biogenic methane is generated as a by-product of bacterial respiration. Aerobic bacteria (those that use oxygen in respiration) first metabolize any free oxygen left in the plant remains and the surrounding sediments. In fresh water
    2012-08-16 | 1,900원 | 21p | 메탄가스 bed coal 석탄층 발전   석탄층 메탄가스(CBM·coal bed methane)개발 및 발전 연구(영문)
  • [중국경제론] 중국의 환경오염과 탄소배출권 제도
    2) 탄소거래 시장 진입이 중국에 주는 영향 (1) 긍정적적인 측면 먼저, 베이징 탄소 거래소의 설립은 중국이 동아시아 또는 세계의 금융 허브로 성장할 수 있는 발판을 마련해준다는데 의미가 있다. 앞서 언급했듯이 중국은 현재 전체 탄소배출권과 CERs 영역에 있어서 독보적인 위치를 차지하
    2010-03-31 | 1,400원 | 13p | the and to of in is 탄소 for 중국 on   [중국경제론] 중국의 환경오염과 탄소배출권 제도
  • 2050 거주불능 지구를 읽고 독후감 영작
    methane emissions, and carbon emissions are impacting various industries now. The melting of the Arctic is raising sea levels, determining the fate of certain nations. Future disaster scenarios are already determined, and while many countries are preparing, there is little room for preparation in the face of nature's wrath. We are a helpless species in the face of nature. Now, wars may no long
    2023-11-15 | 100원 | 3p | 2050 거주불능 지구를 읽고 독후감 영작   2050 거주불능 지구를 읽고 독후감 영작
  • (A+ English Essay) 지구 온난화의 원인과 대응방안 - Causes and responses to global warming
    I. Introduction Global warming is a major environmental issue that has been around for decades. It is the process of the Earth's average temperature rising due to the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. These gases trap heat from the sun and are released in large quantities from human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, industrial waste and poll
    2023-03-03 | 3,000원 | 7p | 지구 대응방안 온난화 방안 온난   (A+ English Essay) 지구 온난화의 원인과 대응방안 - Causes and responses to global warming
  • [국제경영] 폭스바겐 친환경 자동차 시장(영문)
    emissions to be at least 55% of global production of greenhouse gases. The protocol was developed under the UNFCCC - the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Participating countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol have committed to cut emissions of not only carbon dioxide, but of also other greenhouse gases, being: Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (H
    2010-01-15 | 1,800원 | 17p | to of and in is for as that car The   [국제경영] 폭스바겐 친환경 자동차 시장(영문)
  • [영어/영작/영어에세이] 지구온난화와 대기오염
    problems are most serious. There are two atmosphere problems. One is global warming. Global warming is the phenomenon that the average temperature of the earth's surface rises. The activities of mankind have seriously worsened global warming since the late 20th century. It is said that greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are the main cause of global warming.
    2018-04-05 | 1,000원 | 2p | 영어발표 영어스피치 영어작문 환경오염 global warming   [영어/영작/영어에세이] 지구온난화와 대기오염
  • 영문 Mad Max3 매드 맥스 3 영화 대사
    emission control. Ride them away now. A warrior, Aunty. Lost everything. Looking for a deal. But hes just a raggedy man. Hes quick. Ironbar. . . . . .can he do it? Maybe. What did you do before this? I was a cop, a driver. But how the world turns. One day cock of the walk, next, a feather duster. Play something tragic, Ton Ton. Do you know who I was? Nobody. Except on the day after, I was still a
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 매드 맥스 영문   영문 Mad Max3 매드 맥스 3 영화 대사
  • 세계시장 노리는 일본 환경에너지기술
    methane hydrate) 자원개발 관련 기술특허에 있어 일본이 전체 출원의 46%를 차지, 미국(32%)을 14% 포인트 앞서고 있다. 또 디젤엔진, 폐기물처리 IT화 기술, 오염토양 처리 기술 등에 있어서도 미국, 유럽 등 다른 선진국들을 월등히 앞서고 있다. 기술개발을 위한 노력도 적극적으로 이루어지고 있다. 올 7월
    2015-06-27 | 800원 | 5p | 일본 기술 환경 관련 에너지 세계   세계시장 노리는 일본 환경에너지기술
  • [생물공정공학] 바이오매스의 효율적이용과 바이오메탄의 정제공법(영문)
    about 10-15 percent higher methane (CH4) content than normal landfill gas. Amount of organic waste is approximately 8,300tons/year by 2008 and 2007, among which only about 7% (6.1million tons/year) are used to source of energy (biogas).
    Bio-gas produced by using organic waste were used mostly as a heating fuel of the digestion tanks or power plant fuel.
    2011-09-06 | 1,400원 | 14p | 바이오 바이오메탄 정제공법 생물공정공학 바이오매스   [생물공정공학] 바이오매스의 효율적이용과 바이오메탄의 정제공법(영문)
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